Support the project Come on grandparents!

Helping the lonely elderly

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Fondazione La Stampa – Specchio dei tempi

Help us to help

Since 1955 Specchio dei tempi has helped people in difficulty:
Populations victims of disasters, children, the sick, disadvantaged families, mothers and elderly people alone.
In Italy and in the world.

Featured projects

The elderly |

Come on grandparents!

At the side of the elderly all year long

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Poverty | Turin

Mothers and children in distress

We take 100 single mothers and their children by the hand

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The elderly | Piedmont

Christmas bonus for the elderly

We help the poorest and loneliest elderly

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Health | Turin

For the Regina Margherita hospital

Four new departments to give hope to our children

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Latest news

The pianist Stefano Bollani for the Christmas concert in support of the Bonus for the elderly
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Christmas bonus, the solidarity is renewed thanks to the donations
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Sri Lanka, work in progress at our Children's Village in Ibbawale
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Hargeisa, Somaliland: the story of Adam, saved from a severe case of pneumonia
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Help us help

Your help is essential
Since 1955, we have been giving hope to those who suffer with immediate and concrete projects in Turin, in Italy and in the world: when there is an emergency, we are always there.
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A legacy in Specchio dei tempi is a memory that lasts forever.
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