
The Foundation

Who we are

Who we are
A foundation with heart
Specchio dei tempi is a foundation supported by the community of "La Stampa" and by thousands of donors all over the world. We are a non-profit organization and at the same time we are a column in the historic Turin newspaper: a space reserved for readers, who can discuss topics together in our columns, report injustices, ask for and offer help and so encourage the development of beneficial initiatives.

The column was born in 1955 and since then the Specchio dei tempi letters have been published every day. They have become a regular appointment for generations of Piedmontese and have created an extraordinary chain of solidarity. Also the first appeal was launched in 1955, to "make the Christmas of two children less sad and desolate." A young bricklayer had been run over, leaving his wife and two children: the readers embraced that family, with the same generosity with which today they support the over 70 projects that Specchio has activated in Turin, in Italy and in the world.

From the tsunami to Covid-19, passing through earthquakes and famines, in emergencies and in everyday life we are close to those who suffer, with interventions for hospitals, schools, the weakest sectors of society. We do practical things, immediately, because those in real difficulty cannot wait. We tell the story of every intervention in "La Stampa" and on our channels. We work hard and never stop. We are a foundation that puts our heart into it and has been trying to give hope every day for 65 years.
How we use your offers
Since 1955 we have been supporting schools, hospitals, needy families and victims of calamities.
85active projects
Our commitment in Turin, in Italy and worldwide.
557thousand helped people
Every year we are close to children, the elderly, mothers and the sick.
Tax benefits
For all donations, except cash, there are tax breaks.
The benefits are even stronger for projects against Covid-19: 30% deductions for individuals and 100% deductions for businesses.
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Our projects

Help us help

Your help is essential
Since 1955, we have been giving hope to those who suffer with immediate and concrete projects in Turin, in Italy and in the world: when there is an emergency, we are always there.
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